Hiram Larew
Founder of Poetry X Hunger: Bringing a World of Poets to the Anti-Hunger Cause, Larew has had poems appear in recent issues of Poetry Scotland's Gallus, Contemporary American Voices, West Trade Review, ZiN Daily and The Iowa Review. His most recent collection, Patchy Ways, was published in 2023 by CyberWit Press.
Looking Up
What I don’t understand is how
Everyone I like doesn’t care about droughts –
Friends will call from cities with bright blue skies
and sound nearly giddy with so much hot sun.
Or I’ll be making love to someone
whispering rain in their ear
and they’ll completely ignore the divining rod
that’s my heart.
Doesn’t anyone ever wish for puddles anymore?
More and more I keep looking up
Beyond myself
for any little clouds or clues
or even more for
What must most surely
come rolling through
very soon sometime.